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A quality website have become undeniably essential for business these days. Often the business owners find it hard to realize its importance. Most of them are skeptical that, is it worth the time and money invested?

The tight competition and corporate world behavior make it vital for any business to establish its presence on a global basis.

To make up the requirement, quality website design is a crucial aspect to consider in developing a website. A proficient website creates a heavy impact on many aspects of your digital marketing strategy and hence extra care has to be taken while developing one. Let us discuss some important aspect of digital marketing which is influenced by the website design and development.

Rank High, with SEO

Some critical elements of SEO, like the capability of the website to input necessary information like custom meta descriptions, Alt tags, etc; and integrating a ”no index, no follow” tag to prevent crawling on offensive pages, have to be incorporated while designing the site infrastructure. “no index, no follow” tags can help to prevent your site from content duplication issues and thus improving the search engine rankings.

Also, speed matters much in an SEO web design. Every second is highly valuable as you lose a lot of potential customers for the delay of your loading speed.

Apart from establishing an SEO website, it is equally important to maintain it for the best results.

Enhance Conversion Rate Optimization

An intelligently designed website will be keyword dense, and sticks on to its value proposition, enabling the functionality of the marketing funnel.

Be straight and crisp with solid, convincing proofs like testimonials to make the visitors feel you’re genuine and authoritative. Neither be too simple, nor be complex.

Work out to find out a moderate and appealing design customized for your business, equally satisfying the UX and CRO. You need to invest the time, but can certainly reap long term benefits.

Ensure easy flowing guidance on your website and make him take a desirable action. Performing a desirable action can make the visitor more connected to your website, make him do a revisit, know more about your business, and a lot more ways of customer engagement and conversions. Professional service from experienced web design and development agencies help you to develop a suitable gateway capable of converting each visitor into a prospective buyer.

Creating dedicated keyword dense landing pages will also improve your Conversion Rate.

Brand your business

Websites are super powerful tools to brand your business online. Take extra care to eliminate quality deteriorating factors like,

  • Technical malfunctions
  • Confusing navigation
  • Ugly typography, etc.

Imformation Architecture priority fixing help you to project the most valuable information and your brand values. Visitors subconsciously develop a perception while going through your website and put enough efforts to build a desirable perception among the prospects.

Technically, website design has to be aesthetically attractive and must have excellent usability. Entice your visitors with accessible and organized content filled with relevant information. Tools like the color picker can help you choose a cohesive color palette to reflect your brand identity effectively.

The logo designs are integrated into the website for stamping brand consistency. The website design team at Graffitti9 ensures brand consistency to avoid confusion among customers across multiple platforms.

Improved User Experience (UX)

During the design phase, do not over complicate the navigation incorporating large images or flashy designs, which adversely effect the loading speed of your website.

Loading speed is an important factor intertwined with UX.

User Experience designers design the website as though it provokes the pain points of the prospects,. Website designers streamline the content and effortlessly incorporate the text and other visual elements in their design, without affecting the loading speed. Moreover, they add empty spaces that the visitor’s eyes can rest in the middle of their continuous reading.


Data-driven analysis is the key to improvement.

Design the website with the scope for a thorough data collection from every aspect. Make the most use of the advanced tracking facilities available online to improve as well as to measure your success rate. To get the most out of this, use data collaboration by integrating data from different touchpoints. Design each individual set up with different URLs facilitating an easy checkout. Be clear on that, else you will miss a lot of valuable data for improvement.

In digital marketing, customers’ decision making starts with a website designed for them.

To reap long-term benefits to the fullest, make sure you consider each and every strategy right from scratch. Good luck!